
Privacy Notice

CAPSUS, SC. located on Boulevard Manuel Ávila Camacho 118, office 1604 Lomas de Chapultepec, Alcaldía Miguel Hidalgo, c.p. 11000, in Mexico City, with the web portal, is responsible for the use and protection of your personal data. Therefore we confirm that:
1 The personal data we gather from you is used for the following ends: - Verify and confirm your identity for administrative issues such as contracts and hiring processes - To create and conserve an administrative file related to the above point - For the services that you hire from us - To contact you regarding questions or inquiries you send us
2 Additionally, if you allow us, we could use your personal information for secondary issues that are not necessary for the services we request from you or that we provide to you. These secondary issues help us give you a better service and improve our internal processes. Such secondary issues include: - Marketing - Quality assurance surveys and follow-up calls - Commercial research In case you do not wish that your personal data is used for secondary means, please indicate it in the following manner and let us know about it. > [ ] I do not authorize the use of my personal data for secondary issues. Your negative answer to the use of your personal data for secondary issues will not be a motive to deny you the services that you wish to hire from us or that we want to hire from you.
3 Depending on the relationship that you are looking to have with us and the authorization you give use for their use, we will ask for the following type of information: - Full name - Electronic mail address - Phone number - Physical address - Fiscal information - Bank information

At any point you have the right to ask us about the personal data we have stored in our files, how we use them and who has access to them inside our organization. It is also your right to request modifications of your personal information, that we eliminate your records from our files, or that we change the use we give to them. These rights are known under the Mexican law as ARCO rights. For using your ARCO rights at any moment, please send your request or inquiry to .

The contact data of the department that manages personal information and privacy issues, and that is in charge of the ARCO requests is: - Administrative department - Address: Boulevard Manuel Ávila Camacho 118, office 1604 Lomas de Chapultepec, Miguel Hidalgo 11000, Mexico City - Email: - Phone number: +52 1 (55) 44 31 29 27

5 You can revoke the consent that you have given us for the treatment of your personal data. However, it is important to note that not in all cases we will be able to resolve your request or terminate the use of your information immediately, since it is possible that due to some legal obligation we require to continue processing your personal data. Likewise, you must consider that, for certain purposes, the revocation of your consent implies that we cannot continue to provide the service you requested or receive services from you. A full revocation of the use of all your personal data may lead to the end of your relationship with us. To revoke your consent, you must submit your request through electronic format at the following email:
6 If you wish to limit the use of your personal information and/or who has access to it, you can write us to:
7 This privacy notice can be modified, updated or adjusted if the laws and regulations in Mexico so demand it, or if we have significant changes to our provision of services or internal policies. Any changes made will be communicated in this web site as soon as possible, and will only be implemented once they are publicly available.
Last update: July 14th, 2020