
Urban planning and sustainable building design

An alternative for cities and buildings

We develop solutions for cities and buildings which reduce investment and maintenance costs, improve its inhabitants quality of life and have better environmental and energy performance.

More than 50 cities benefited with our work.

Urban Growth Scenarios to evaluate the benefits of urban densification strategies.

León, Guanajuato, México

2019 - 2020

Urban Growth Scenarios to evaluate the benefits of urban densification strategies.


German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) and City Government of León, Guanajuato, Mexico

¿What was it about?

The project consists of the development of urban growth scenarios to analyze the benefits of urban densification in previously identified vacant lots within the city of León, Guanajuato. The project is a collaboration with the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) to support the urban planning process in the city of León, Guanajuato.

Urban Growth Scenarios for the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Amman, Irbid, Zarqa, Russiefa and Mafraq, Jordan


Urban Growth Scenarios for the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan


World Bank Group and Korean Green Growth Trust Fund

¿What was it about?

Through modeling urban scenarios, the Jordanian national government and local authorities in Amman, Irbid, Russeifa, Zarqa and Mafraq evaluated strategies and investments to drive long-term sustainable urban development in the country. The study compares different urban growth alternatives for the five cities. Through the study, the impact of different public policies on the environmental, social and economic aspects was quantitatively compared, informing decision makers and generating consensus on the policies that provide greater benefits. The project was developed with funds from the Korean Green Growth Trust Fund through the World Bank Group.

Urban Growth Scenarios for Indonesia

Denpasar, Semarang and Palu, Indonesia


Urban Growth Scenarios for Indonesia


World Bank Group, Korean Green Growth Trust Fund and National Government of Indonesia

¿What was it about?

The Urban Growth Scenarios for Indonesia was funded by the Korean Green Growth Trust Fund through the World Bank Group to assess development paths for two Indonesian cities –Semarang and Denpasar. Urban growth scenarios were developed adapting two tools: Suitability and Urban Performance. The tools were used to visualize impacts of different public policies on the environmental, social and economic dimensions. The scenarios included different urban public policies in terms of housing availability, water efficiency, energy consumption, costs-revenues balance and greenhouse gases emissions, thus estimating environmental, social, and economic indicators for each urban growth path option. Additionally, the benefits and drawbacks of different combinations of public policies, projects and conditions were assessed to reach consensus about the best development path. Stakeholders participated in a series of capacity building and technology transfer workshops. Finally, as an extension for the project, we proposed new land regulations for Palu, after the 2018 earthquake and tsunami.

We help design and manage sustainable cities

that promote social justice, economic development, energy efficiency and good environmental performance.