
Environmental studies and assessments

Innovative solutions, supported by solid technical information

We carry out cabinet and field studies to evaluate and ensure the successful implementation of energy and urban infrastructure projects.

We have developed diverse environmental studies benefiting nearly 1000 MW of installed capacity of clean energy plants.

Feasibility of a Waste to Energy Plant in Mexico

Mexico City and the State of Mexico, Mexico


Feasibility of a Waste to Energy Plant in Mexico


CC Investments

¿What was it about?

Field research was carried out to identify the type of waste that reaches landfills in the metropolitan areas of the Toluca and Mexico City. In addition to physical characterization, laboratory tests were performed to have more data on the composition of solid waste, such as moisture and caloric power. Based on this information, an opinion was issued on the technical and economic feasibility of establishing a recycling or waste to energy power generation plant with the solid waste produced in the region.

Study about construction waste and social housing waste in Mexico



Study about construction waste and social housing waste in Mexico



¿What was it about?

A study was done to define strategies or mechanisms promoted by the institute for the adequate management of the waste generated during the construction of housing units and the occupation of the dwellings. The objective of developing these strategies is to improve the living conditions of the beneficiaries in the housing units financed by the institute.

Environmental Studies for a Wind Farm

Tamaulipas, México


Environmental Studies for a Wind Farm



¿What was it about?

Various support services for the establishment of a 400 MW wind farm and its transmission lines were carried out. Some of services performed were environmental feasibility studies, environmental Due Diligence, flora and fauna field studies, Environmental Impact Assessment, Technical Justification Study for Land Use change. The project was conducted jointly with ENVIROSENSE.

We provide the evidence needed

to inform and support capital investment planning and the design of public policies.